Friday, 23 March 2018

System Test life Cycle

STLC is step by step procedure to test an application it flows following process :-

1) Once we get the requirement the leads and manager does one round of System Studies and prepared a document knows as Test Plan.
2) These plan consists off all the activities that need to be followed by test engineer for further activities or task.
3) Once the plan is ready we start writing the necessary test documents.

 a) To write test documents first we read, review and understand the requirements.
 b) Based on our understanding we prepared a high level document know as test scenarios.
 c) After the scenarios was prepared we started writing an in detail documents knows as test case.
 d) These test case send to the follow test engineer for review process.
 e) The reviewer put send us back with necessary review comments.
 f) As an author we used to fixed the required comments and send it back once again for review.
g) These process continued until both of us accepts for correctness of test case and finally lead used to approved test case which is stored in the test case repositories.

4) Before the execution we prepared one more documents know as R.T.M to make sure that every requirement is covered in the form of test cases.
5) By these time developer would have finish coding and the application is install on to the test server.
6) Then we start the test execution process where all the type of testing work implemented.
7) During testing any bug which are encounter was send to developer with the help of bug tracking tools. These defects tracking continue until all the bug where fixed and every test case is executed.
8) Finally we prepared a test execution report that defines the stability of product and the application was handed over to the customer.
9) In the end we had a Retrospect meeting where we discussed all the pros and cons regarding the current releases and any improvement can be done in the future releases.  

 These is all about the system test life cycle.

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